One Day Training Seminar on “Rational Practices of Pharmacy in Retail / whole sale set ups”.

An effort of Umar Pharmacy to bridge gaps between different practices in the business of Pharmacy. In this regards, a very successful training event was arranged under the title of “Rational Practices of Pharmacy in Retail / whole sale set ups”.
Participants from Retail Pharmacy, community Pharmacy, whole sale and Distribution were present in the session.
Chief guest of the event was Director General (DG) Drug Control & Pharmacy services Mr. Salim Khan accompanied with Mr. Zahid Ali Khan (Chief Drug Inspector Peshawar) and Mr. Khushal Khan (Drug Inspector Peshawar).
Mr. Rafiq (CEO Umar Pharmacy) and Mr. Khurshid Khan (Chairman, Umar Pharmacy Chain) were the host of event.
Dr. Asmat Ullah (Director Umar Pharmacy) was resource person of the event.
NOTE: This event was arranged by Umar Pharmacy Training and Research (UTRC) under the corporate social services division.
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